Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Women Healers and Helpers

Ndirande, Malawi

This is day 2 of interviews with traditional healers. This is turning out to be more productive that I could have imagined. The traditional healers are members of one organization, and the members come from all around the southern parts of Malawi. They have been so gracious and open to talking with us. We were thrilled to meet a traditional doctor today who is a woman. Her interview was done in Chichewa, so I can’t wait to read the manuscript.

I am struck by the poverty in the Ndirande area. The central market place is packed with people sharing the streets with mini vans and cars. As I waited for the interviews to finish I took in the natural beauty of the area. The sun was out, the sky was a great blue, and the white puffy clouds (like balls of cotton) were so close you could reach up and touch them.

To add to all the good things happening today, I met women who serve as traditional birth attendants. They assist women in the villages during the birthing process. The villages are located miles away from the regional hospital, and the regular mode of transportation is walking. So, it is difficult for a woman in labor to walk long distances to the hospital. The attendants are working with the traditional healers to organize themselves and their work.

Today was truly another fascinating day of learning more about the culture of traditional healers.

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